Pitch and Loudness – Practice Questions:1) Place the following sound waves in order of:a) decreasing pitch: b) increasing volume: 2) Use the standard wave below to draw a sound wave that is:a) higher in pitch:b) lower in volume:c) lower in volume and pitch:d) higher in volume and lower in pitch:3) A sound wave has a frequency of 1600Hz and an amplitude of 2cm.a) If the sound is altered to have a pitch twice as high and it is 3 times as loud, how does this impact the frequency and amplitude?b) What is the wavelength of the new sound wave? Quick Answers:1a) C, B, D, A 1b) A, B, D, C2) See worked answer below3a) pitch = 3200 Hz, amplitude = 6cmb) 10.6cm Worked Answers: