structured learning
Modules are set out in easy to follow topics that guide you through the content.
practice with full answers
Each topic has several practice questions with full video answers.
youtube tutors
We have selected a range of YouTube videos to help support your learning.
Each module has a summary booklet that can be completed for a quick revision guide.

We know about your hectic schedule. We also know the only way to truly understand a subject is by learning and revising in your own time. Whether you’re looking to understand content before a class or revise after, ScienceFlip can help you out!
Are you looking to do something different with your class, like ‘flipping’ your lessons? Or provide a structured program of revision for your students? Either way, ScienceFlip could be what you’re after.

Students should be encouraged, at every stage of the learning process, to adopt an active stance toward their education.
Active learning, owned learning, also begins by giving each student the freedom to determine when and where the learning will occur.
Sal Khan
Khan Academy
Helping teachers, Supporting students
Looking for a structured program of revision to help you on your way?